Does State Representative Brad Hill have the Courage to Call for Accountability?

Does Representative Bradford Hill, Republican of the Fourth Essex District, have the courage to stand with democracy? His constituents, 65% of whom voted for Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris, want to know as they process the horrors of last week’s Capitol Hill insurrection.On Wednesday, January 6, the nation witnessed a violent act of sedition, planned and orchestrated by Donald J. Trump and his enablers. This was an attack on American democracy. The violence that ensued did not occur in a vacuum; it was violence planned and encouraged by Donald J. Trump’s lies.We expect our elected officials to demonstrate leadership during these fraught times and tell their constituents the truth, regardless of how painful it is. Rep. Hill has not denounced Trump’s actions nor called out his lies about the outcome of the presidential election. Instead, we are left with Representative Hill’s tepid response on his Facebook page to these egregious acts, in which he condemns the violence and hopes for reconciliation. He failed to call for accountability. Without accountability, we cannot have the reconciliation for which he hopes.Now is Rep. Hill’s opportunity to show his constituents he believes in the Constitution. Now is the moment he can be a leader, call for Trump’s resignation, and support impeachment or use of the 25th Amendment.Political courage requires those with the power to do what is necessary to save our democracy and prevent further violence.We have the right to know where Brad Hill stands on the most crucial matter of our time when democracy stands at a precipice. We are waiting for his answer.Thank you,


Barbara Smith, Chair, former Hamilton Democratic Town Committee; Thomas A. Peltz, Member, Hamilton Democratic Town Committee; Anna Siedzik, Affirmative Action Outreach Advisor of the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee; Deborah Everett, Member, Hamilton Democratic Town Committee; George Smolinski


Henri J. Bourneuf, Carol Bousquet, Wendy Dabovich, Richard and Nancy Howard, Alec Style, Nicole Whitten, Lakshmi Sirois 


Michele Kulick, Alison Anholt-White, Isabella Bates Sandy Bodmer-Turner, Kathy Burns, Melvin Crockett, Judy Epstein, Nina Gosnell, Marge Nix, Martha Farmer


Terri Davidson Cabitt, Chair, Rowley Democratic Town Committee; Members: Stephen Cabitt, John Dalphin, Laura DiPersia, Bryan DiPersia, Sieglinde Aigner-Crooks, Rosamund Danby Whitmore 


Topsfield DTC, Heidi Fox,


Ken Thompson, Boxford Democratic Town Committee Chair and Member, Massachusetts DSC

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