By Barbara Smith,
Blogger and Social Justice Activist,
During the age of Trump, it may seem trivial that Hamilton- a small, rural town north of Boston ignores Open Meeting Laws (OML) when far more serious crimes such as overthrowing the government are on the battlefront…..
Open Meeting Laws are designed to create transparency in government
Nobody is Above the Law!
However, Massachusetts state officials must stop ignoring these seemingly minor crimes and affronts to democracy. There are real consequences….. For example, Hamilton town manager, Joe Domelowicz knows but repeatedly ignored the OML when sharing political discussions impactful to Hamilton, in secret amongst select parties who are allies to the faith-based, political lobby 501 (C) (4) that calls itself the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition (HWHRC). The Coalition president, Anna Siedzik has exchanged hundreds, if not thousands of emails to advance her political agenda… She answers to her god and not Hamilton and Massachusetts laws….
Joe Knows that he and the political lobby president, Anna Siedzik have been breaking these laws….
when Anna Siedzik insists on controlling the make-up of the Hamilton town, tax funded human rights board.

Again Joe refuses to stop Anna Siedzik from controlling all aspects of Hamilton government including the creation of the tax funded town Human Rights Commission.
Joe Domelowicz reminds all on this email thread to stop communicating in secret using the town email server. I got access to the thousands of secret communications via the Massachusetts freedom of information rules.
Why does a school board member control Hamilton government?

Anna Siedzik shuts down dissenting voices on Hamilton town panel….

Anna Siedzik consolidates her power using many tactics, including:
- influencing and controlling town officials via Hamilton government emails. She always has Joe Domelowicz’s ear to push her political agenda…….
- Preventing any voices of dissent (meaning- not whatever Anna wants) from presenting an alternative opinion (see above email re: Carol Mazetta from speaking on the panel).
- Preventing transparency so that Hamilton residents do not learn that she, Anna Siezik controls the Hamilton Select Board, School Board, both the HWHRCOALTION and HHRCommission, the Hamilton Wenham community facebook pages and the Hamilton Democratic town committee.
Behind Closed Doors…
So, what happened to the Steering Committee members? Why did I recently read on a Town Clerk newsletter that there 3 openings for volunteers after the last meeting where Select Board member Caroline B. attacked the board members? This board was created as a result of the Hamilton All Town Meeting and the BOS has no right to disband and replace members who they don’t want because they work for the interest of the town, rather than Anna Siedzik’s agenda. Nobody knows what happened because this removal of 3 volunteers from the Long term planning, master Steering board was done in SECRET….