By Barbara Smith,
Blogger and Social Justice Activist,
Christianity is one of many religions in the world… but happens to be dominant in the United States. Many people enjoy the social and community aspects of Church involvement and do many wonderful actions to help the underserved. This is also true for people following religions that have fewer numbers in the United States such as Judaism, Buddhism, Satanism and Islam. Atheists are another demographic apparently low in numbers and influence who also choose social justice work and simply request that Americans honor the constitutional separation of church and state so that we can all practice or not practice religion as personal choice dictates.
What is Christian Nationalism?
According to Christianity Today:
“Christian Nationalism is the belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. Popularly, Christian nationalists assert that America is and must remain a “Christian nation”—not merely as an observation about American history, but as a prescriptive program for what America must continue to be in the future. Scholars like Samuel Huntington have made a similar argument: that America is defined by its “Anglo-Protestant” past and that we will lose our identity and our freedom if we do not preserve our cultural inheritance.”
Christian Nationalists have gained control in rural, small town, Hamilton, MA… Anna Siedzik, president of the
faith-based, political lobby that calls itself a human rights organization (Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition or HWHRC) would love to destroy the Constitution that protects our rights to practice religion as desired AND freedom to keep church out of government. Ms. Siedzik admits and is proud of her zealotry and mission…..
Christian Nationalists LIE to hide their agenda.
Anna Siedzik sells housing units for the Christian Consortium owned non-profit called Harborlight Community Partners. Here are some screenshots of professed atheist, Anna Siedzik (sitting at far right) at a church event to promote her self-serving god and financial interests.

Lying, Evangelist Anna Siedzik speaks at an event that starts out with a poem about Angels talking in heaven…..

Anna Siedzik pushes her religious and financial agenda of making Hamilton look like Newburyport. She believes that SHE, Savior Siedzik- has the moral authority to do that!!!
Natalie Bowers and many other Coalition cult followers claim that Ms. Siedzik is an atheist in order to keep the Christian Nationalist mission a secret….

Evangelicals in Hamilton/ Wenham have an oversized influence on municipal government and politics….
It is no accident that more and more of the gullible, Savior Siedzik followers are moving to overpriced and overtaxed, mostly white Hamilton/Wenham. There are two local Christian institutions that promote that mission. With so many of their followers gaining power, the two local Gordon religious institutions stand to make the most money when selling off their assets to help pay legal fees for the many lawsuits they face due to discrimination and sexual harassment.
Many members of the HWHRC either attended, currently attend, volunteer, are employed at or family members and friends are associated with these Evangelical institutions. Any person associated with those evangelical Gordon institutions has signed their name to anti-gay documents as a condition of being allowed to function on the campus. These same hypocrites point their guilty fingers at allies who support women, atheists, ADA compliance, elder rights, environment/conservation, and the rule of law.
The Christian Nationalists on the Supreme Court support Evangelical discrimination.
Be a Good Christian By Honoring separation of church and state….
I should not know the religious habits of Hamilton town officials. Faith is private and should remain that way unless practiced in a house of worship. So why does the Hamilton Select Board waste our taxpayer time discussing Christian flags? HOW DOES THAT BENEFIT THE RESIDENTS?
Why are the same Christian Nationalists on the
- Hamilton Select Board (i.e. James Knudsen and Caroline Beulieu and others)
- HWHRCoalition, political lobby led by self-righteous, Evangelists – School Board member Anna Savior Siedzik, self-proclaimed, Evangelist, Kirsten Alexander, the Chair of the Wenham Democratic Town Committee and Katie Knudsen- an officer of the HWHRC and wife of Select Board Christian nationalist, James Knudsen.
- Nancy Stehfest is an officer of the tax-funded, Hamilton Human Rights Commission and as of 2022- is ALSO the chair of the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee (HDTC)
- and the same cult followers also control the “HW community” and “HW residents only” face book pages.
- Hamilton Town Manager, Joe Domelowicz obeys the Savior Siedzik Christian nationalist demands in order to keep his job. Its a win-win for Anna and Joe who have had thousands of email exchanges on the government server as Ms. Siedzik political lobbies the Hamilton government to give her what she wants… This is actually unethical and illegal.
- the HW School Committee is largely made up of the same Christian Nationalists who claim moral authority, yet discriminate against women, atheists and support the discriminating Seminaries??? WTH???
There are Consequences to allowing Christian Nationalists to control a town….
One of the consequences of having Coalition cult follower, Nancy Stehfest, as chair of the HDTC is that she has the power to pay lip service to candidates such as Kristin Kassner, who recently ran for state representative in our newly configured district. Just compare the treatment that Jamie Belsito received because Belsito PLEDGED to the Coalition instead of pledging to serve the people. Belsito had the full Anna Siedzik contingency including an endorsement, dark monies, numerous events, fund raisers etc. Jamie Belsito never seemed particularly qualified as is Kristin Kassner, a town planner with years of experience- but Ms. Belsito had Ms. Siedzik’s blessing because she obeyed Anna Siedzik’s demands to support development that enriches Harborlight Community Partners, Anna Siedzik’s employer. This is a classic CONFLICT OF INTEREST and Quid Pro Quo, straight out of the Trump playbook.

Women’s Bodily Autonomy
Anna Siedzik lied about being an atheist in order to keep the Evangelical mission under the public radar. I have no doubt that she is lying when she claims to be “pro-choice”. Yes, Jamie Belsito claims to be pro-choice and she and I even attended the same Pro-Choice rally, but Belsito is an opportunist who will say anything to get elected. She cares about women with post-partum depression because SHE experienced that challenge…. but she was minimally vocal when it came to the bodily autonomy issues affecting million of women, many women of color who may be forced to give birth against their wishes or get sent to a Christian Crisis Center that steers them away from pregnancy termination information and choices. Here are Belsito’s real pro Trump, anti-Democratic values…
How can Anna Siedzik be pro-woman when she finds the very word “woman” to be offensive???

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