By Barbara Smith, Blogger and Social Justice Activist, The following post is my response to the following Boston Globe headline…. Schools Wary as Nonprofit Targets Teaching! Right-leaning group’s complaints cite bias in lessons on gender, race, sexuality by Jusneel Mahal- Globe Correspondent This is a complex issue because there are two competing brands… Continue reading “Parents Defending Education”, Woke/Social Justice and Free Speech
Tag: social justice
Protecting Atheists and Human Rights
Written by Barbara Smith, Blogger and social justice advocate, Concerned Hamilton Citizen and Activist Blogger for transparency in government. The following shares the video, transcript and my analysis of the Hamilton Human Rights Commission discussion at the 1-3-22 Board of Selectman (soon to be renamed Board of Select) as pertains to definitions of protected… Continue reading Protecting Atheists and Human Rights
Hamilton Flag Policy Update
written by Barbara Smith, Concerned Hamilton Citizen and Activist Blogger for transparency in government.. at Hamilton Wenham Liberals for Democracy Please watch the above Youtube video or read the following for an update on the Hamilton Flag policy update. The video discussion begins at 1:49:19 The following attempt at transcribing the discussion is… Continue reading Hamilton Flag Policy Update