From Blogger, Barbara Smith:
This website and associated Face Book page is NO longer associated with any Democratic Town Committee. However, it continues to be a source of information related to local, state and national news, events, blog posts and opinions to promote Democracy across the Commonwealth including suburban towns such as Hamilton and Wenham.
I originally created this Facebook page in 2020 to bring Hamilton and Wenham Democrats together to stop the re-election of Trump. I like to think that I made a small contribution to this effort. There is still a lot of work to be done to stop Fascism in the United States. This statement sadly sounds extreme, but it is accurate……
Democracy requires transparency and this page is devoted to exposing a faith-based, political lobby that calls itself the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition (HWHRC), led by Yale indoctrinated, evangelist and self-appointed savior, narcissist Anna Siedzik.
Ms. Siedzik believes that she has all the answers and if you disagree, she will call you a “racist”, “bigot”, “classist” and/or “TERF”. Please join me in stopping her unfettered power and control over Hamilton residents and town officials who fear her bullying and do whatever she demands.
As a School Board member, Ms. Siedzik has ready access to gullible families who do NOT realize that the Coalition is a faith-based political lobby. Parents believe that they are promoting human rights by joining and obeying her mandates. Parents mean to do good…. However, human rights organizations must not allow unfettered power to a zealot, who demonizes all voices of opposition that stand in the way of Ms. Siedzik’s agenda. This is an agenda that the town did NOT choose, vote on nor are many residents aware of Ms. Siedzik’s level of secrecy and power in carryout her evangelical visions of grandeur.
Hamilton Wenham for Democracy on Facebook
Links a faith-based, political lobby that discriminates against women and atheists.
The Hamilton Human Rights Commission is supposed to be a governmental, tax funded wing, separate from the faith based, political lobby called the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition. In reality, the same religious zealots, namely Anna Siedzik and her followers run BOTH of these organizations. There are thousands of legally obtained email between Ms. Siedzik and Hamilton government officials to influence her agenda and control all aspects of Hamilton government and society.
The North Shore National Association of colored People was created in the aftermath of the tragic George Floyd 2020 murder. I was a founding member and quit when realizing that there is an alliance between the NSNAACP president, Natalie Bowers and Anna Siedzik. In fact, there is an incestuous relationship going on since:
- A prominent NSNAACP officer and Professor is married to Anna Siedzik’s employer (Andrew DeFranza) at Harborlight Community Partners. Anna earns money selling affordable housing units.
- Natalie Bowers, president of the NAACP is a paid consultant for the Hamilton Affordable Housing Trust. She earns $ when advocating the Ms. Siedzik agenda.
- Hamilton Select Board member Jamie Knudsen and Anna’s employer Andrew DeFranza were buddies when attending Christian college Gordon College. Gordon College requires any volunteer, student or employee to sign an anti LGBTQ pledge in order to be associated with the institution. Many members of the HAMILTON WENHAM HUMAN RIGHTS COALITION are associated with Gordon College or Gordon Conwell Seminary and have signed these hateful pledge.
These conflicts of interest can easily be severed by either
- Harborlight Community Partners tell Anna Siedzik to resign OR
- Anna leave her position as School Board member which she exploits to influence Hamilton town officials on affordable housing issues from which she financially benefits and all of her evangelical endeavors such as flying a Christian flag on town property.
- Natalie Bowers needs to end her Hamilton Affordable Housing consultancy position and create a clear wall separating the NSNAACP from the faith-based, political lobby led by Anna Siedzik.