Anna Siedzik Wants to Control Massachusetts Sex Education

Written by Barbara Smith,

Blogger and Social Justice
Activist and former chair of the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee

Honestly, I am no prude and I firmly believe in human

rights for all…. But sex education must be taught at the right developmental level to keep children safe and smart AND be based on facts, not dogma. Someone told me to check out Anna Siedzik’s recommended book – Gender Queer, so I did and I’m sharing some illustrations I screenshot from the internet.

Anna Siedzik is a former Hamilton Wenham School Board member who exploited her position in government to influence other government officials to do her bidding. She is president of an Evangelical, political lobby based in Hamilton, Massachusetts.

Anna Siedzik is also a member of the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee that did nothing to elect our Democratic , pro-choice candidate Kristin Kassner….

However, why does Anna Siedzik want children to learn about oral sex, vibrators and how bloody sanitary napkins that dry up into little brown specks???

(By the way, every girl is bloody disgusted by the smell and touch of gross sanitary products, not just members of the LGBTQIA community…. right , ladies???)

Why does Anna Siedzik want the book Gender Queer to be required reading in a public school? I am fine if its available in any library… but, required reading. REALLY? What are the girls and heterosexual students supposed to think and feel when reading about how disgusting their breasts and vaginas are?

Gender Queer: A Memoir

I grew up in the 1970’s reading Our Bodies Ourselves so that I would be sure to understand and love my body. Too many girls absorb society’s messages that we are what we look like. Public school sex and health education should reinforce that women are more than their appearance.

Below is a page from Gender Queer. I understand that the young “cisgender” girl hates her breasts because she identifies as a boy. But what is the message that breasts are bad because they may become cancerous and kill?

(My breasts fed my baby as they were meant to do!)

…and then there’s that nasty Vagina… you know, the one from the Vagina Monologues where women struggle to take back control of words used to denigrate our bodies.

Why does Anna Siedzik want middle school children to learn about vibrators and blow jobs?


I have no comment……..

I have been watching and blogging about Anna Siedzik ever since

she called me a TERF and a Racist in 2020. I did not want the Hamilton Human Rights Commission to exclude women and atheists as protected classes when they created the long list of marginalized groups, worthy of protection in Anna Siedzik’s sick mind. I never knew what a TERF was until Anna Siedzik called me one…. Transphobic Extreme Radical Feminist.

Why does the North Shore NAACP support Anna Siedzik and her narcissistic, control freak, anti- women, anti-atheist cruelty and lies? Social justice groups need to evaluate an individual’s motives …

Is it because the president of the North Shore NAACP, Kenann McKenzie DeFranza is married to Anna Siedzik’s employer Andrew DeFranza and they sell development for a church owned development corporation serving their Beloved Community?

and why does the North Shore Juneteenth Association continue to give her respect and credibility…. because they all serve the Beloved Community, based in local churches and the Gordon-Conwell/Gordon College Evangelical institutions?

That simply is not a good reason…..

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