Written by Darcyll Dale,
Member of Hamilton Board of Select
I am realizing that perhaps many residents are not familiar with what is called Roberts Rules of Order! This post is combination Meeting Law 101, Meeting Law for Dummies and putting Scoreboardgate to rest.
Shawn Farrell made a motion that could only be seconded by Select Board member Rosemary Kennedy. I was the chairperson that night and not allowed to second the motion. I waited several uncomfortable seconds for something to be said and then was obligated to move on to the next item. The following might be boring unless you are a policy wonk, as I am…..
Here is some background information on how a meeting is run under Roberts Rules of Order. This is standard practice for any formal meeting of a Board. When I, as the acting Chair, asked for a Second to the Motion made by Shawn, it had to come from Rosie only – because the person making the motion cannot Second their own Motion.
The Chair cannot ever second a Motion – regardless of who made the Motion. So, the only one who could have Seconded the Motion was SB Member Kennedy, and she chose not to. That is why I waited and waited for a Second to be made for the Motion.
When we get a Motion that has been Seconded, it only means that we open it up for further discussion. At the end of the discussion, there may be an amendment to the Motion, there may be a tabling of the Motion, or there may be voting on the Motion.
Since there was no Second of the Motion, we had to finish it up, and move on; it means that it will be on the next agenda with the full Board.
Everyone who runs for office must operate under Roberts Rules of Order.
Great News!
I just got back from the site walk of the places where the Scoreboards are to be located and I think they are going to look great! Twin Scoreboards painted General’s Blue; one higher up than the other. The Master Plan Designer will pinpoint the exact and best location, for the taller unit and that is how this is going to work.
Warm regards,
Darcy Dale