Stop Coalition, Political Lobby Control in Hamilton

by Barbara A. Smith,

Blogger and Social Justice Activist

I previously posted (shared again below) a video of the 4/19/22 Hamilton Select Board meeting with transcription of “The 3rd party flag” discussion. The new Board of Select (BOS) members Tom Myers and Caroline Beaulieu along with Jamie Knudsen believe that they have a mandate to dictate Hamilton’s “town values”……

The responses to this post on the Face Book page called Hamilton Wenham Uncut have been fascinating and informative!

Hamilton’s previous Select Board Member: Rosemary Kennedy Speaks Out Against Hate and Bullying

I, Barbara Smith, have been speaking out against the hate spewed by Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition (HWHRC) leader Anna Siedzik and others who bully and demonize any voice that is not obedient to their agenda. Many residents, including myself have been called “racists”, “bigoted”, a TERF and “bat-shit crazy” for committing the crime of disagreeing with the Coalition.

According to Ms. Kennedy” (per FB comment) :

“Regarding the Human Rights Policy, some select board members objected to particular language, not the policy concept. But as you can see here again vicious belittling of some select board members who disagreed with the form of the human rights policy. The policy was developed by the HWHRC and presented to the full board as a fait accompli. There was quite heated discussion when some select board members proposed edits.”

Screen Shots from the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition private FB group revealed…..

Anna Siedzik called our Select Board members “unfit” for office for committing the crime of disagreeing with the Coalition…… This is an assault on free speech and Democracy….

Former Member of the Hamilton Select Board Member, Ms. Kennedy explains:

“AS posted this and other statements on the HWHRC site. If you cared to listen to the videos of select board meetings you will see AS was front and center on this issue. There was enormous pushback to the select board that the most important flags were those advocated for by the … hard to tell who was advocating more, the HRC or AS for the HWHRC. There was pushback that other flags were not priority and not all requested flags should be raised. It was as if the HWHRC believed they were the entity who had the right to decide the policy, and further, what that policy would include. So because some select board members believed in making a policy that would appeal to all the residents those members were accused of being unfit. Seems human rights only matter when they are dictated by a particular, vocal group who will say anything and hurt anyone to attain their goal of suppression of any dissenting voice.This, from what I have been told, is the same unyielding demand that only a certain flag should be flown in the schools…Whatever happened to our schools, our children’s needs. Quite distressing.”

Ms. Kennedy explains….

“The push for flags was by Anna Siedzik and the Hamilton HRC , stating the “issues” that they endorse are the vital issues. They voiced objection to other flags being raised. They do not believe in support for all human rights issues such as right to life, supporting police, or other non progressive opinions. In fact there was very aggressive objection by AS. Lots of pressure by her and her group onto the Select Board to acquiesce. In fact I was told I was not fit to be a leader in Town because I did not fully support her version of human rights. She posted this exact statement on her HW human rights coalition page. (It is available if anyone cares to read the venomous diatribe). My stance that incurred her rath ? Either fly all flags upon request or only the American flag since it represents everyone! I strongly objected to such a narrow minded view that Anna espoused. I believe the SB represents everyone in Town and it was morally wrong to censure and suppress citizen voices. Not the answer she demanded.

Barbara’s additional comments:

I am grateful that Ms. Kennedy shared these screenshots and explained how the political lobby, 501 (c) (4) called the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition has turned into a political machine that

  1. silences all voices in opposition to Anna Siedzik and her followers
  2. Elected Jamie Belsito by endorsing her and creating a false narrative that Belsito is “progressive” when in reality she is a recent Republican turned Democrat who recognized that she can best get elected by switching from Republican to the Democratic party and obeying whatever Anna tells her to do to further development in the Essex 4th district. Development. Whether we are discussing affordable or housing for the super wealthy should be decided by scientists and parties without conflict of interest since Anna earns income when she sells units for Harbor Light.
  3. The large number of Coalition followers voted for Anna Siedzik’s chosen Select Board members because they will follow her directives to get that darn Pride flag flying no matter who questions their moral authority to dictate Hamilton town values.
  4. Residents who resist Anna Siedzik’s control get called “racists”, “bigots”, “bat-shit crazy” and TERFs. We are simply residents who want her to stop this unethical bullying behavior and respect laws, rules and regulations in Hamilton. The Board of Select MUST answer to the people, the voters of Hamilton, not the Coalition bullies.

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