The Impact of Flags, Pledges and and Name-Calling on Democracy

Written by Barbara A Smith,

Concerned Hamilton Citizen and Activist Blogger for transparency in government.. at Hamilton Wenham Liberals for Democracy

Mccarthyism 101

I was born in New York City in 1954 during the peak of the “commie” witch hunt when the public watched 36 days of televised investigative hearings of Joe Mcarthy’s search for communists.

My parents were very tuned into current events. My father grew up facing anti-semitism, served in WWII and naturally my family was horrified as fascism took hold-around the world. My parents spoke frequently about the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. BUT I questioned why they focused ONLY on that issue while ignoring the obvious horrors of poverty, segregation and hate outside of my Jewish bubble in Queens.

Joseph McCarthy went on a rampage indiscriminately accusing people of being “commies” if they didn’t demonstrate their fidelity to him and his committee. If they were Freethinkers such as myself they were further vilified. Many lives and careers were destroyed due to his fanatism and hate. He knew this was a play book for gaining power- afterall, it worked for Hitler and other fascists……

Arthur Miller and The Crucible

Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in response to the government sanctioned witch hunt. Accusing and then killing women for witchcraft was a metaphor for the hysteria that led to hunting down and destroying so-called “commies” The Salem witch and Mccarthy “commie” hunters were both groups of self-promoting, power-hungry, largely men in positions of power who got away with accusing others with little or no evidence. Obviously, its difficult to provide evidence that a woman (notice it was always a woman) who was a witch.

Now subsistute the words “racist” or “anti-social justice” for the word “commie” and we have modern day witch hunt in Hamilton and Wenham.

Adding “under god” to the Pledge

Mccarthy spread his notion that Communists were evil because they were atheists and it worked to spread hate. In the previous year, 1953, the words “under god” were added to the pledge of allegiance to show that good patriotic Americans were properly indoctrinated to believe in “god”. Dwight D. Eisenhower spouted his support for this popular measure and the House, Senate and “Ike” won elections with Republican landslides.  Religion has always been weaponized to control minds throughout history and President Reagan and Rupert Murdoch refined it into an art form in their attempts to destroy the wall between church and state.

As a very young child, I did not believe in the words I was forced to recite daily in school- “god” and “justice for all”. If a student did not recite the words clearly and loudly, teachers often forced the student to perform a solo in front of the class.

1954 was also the year of the landmark case of Brown vs. Board of Education decision that declared separate public schools  for students of different races to be unconstitutional.

I was very aware of these political upheavals at a young age and fighting injustice was in my bones. I have never been against people in choosing religious faith. However, I have distain for forced pledges, flag waving, indoctrination and pointing fingers. Let’s take a look at the current situation in Hamilton and Wenham. Atheists and people of faith who believe in the wall separating church and state have rights, too!

Pledging and Gordon College

In 2014, “a regional accrediting agency placed Gordon College, a Christian school in Wenham under review as the institution seeks the legal ability to discriminate in hiring against members of the LGBT community.” Gordon President D. Michael Lindsay signed a letter asking the Obama administration for an exemption from an executive order barring federal contracters from discrimination against gay employees.

In response :

Lynn public school district ended a partnership that sent Gordon student volunteers into the city’s schools as mentors and tutors.

Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll banned Gordon College from using The Old Town Hall for any purposes.

So what is the status today of Gordon College’s treatment toward the LGBTQ community? President Obama’s administration decided to allow the college the exemption from anti-discrimination policy against gay people . Students and employers sign pledges that they will adhere to the Christian  principles that condemn homosexuality.

An on-campus group called OneGordon continues to fight for the rights of gay students, alumni and their allies, hoping to press the college to eliminate anti gay language from its policies.

A brief Campus History of Gordon College Discrimination


Pledges are indoctrination and unhealthy for democracy and social justice. I believe that the pledges required by Gordon College and Joe Mccarthy are extremely disturbing and harmful to democracy.

 I make this claim simply because individuals who work or have worked – at Gordon College – must have signed the anti-gay discrimination policy since it is prerequisite for being hired and attending the college. This type of anti-social justice is simply not acceptable.

Trump, Authoritarians and other Bullies Demand Pledges!

President Trump required that his cabinet of sycophant’s honor and pledge their loyalty to an authoritarian who bullies all who don’t follow his orders. Bullying is not acceptable!

The Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition Pledge

I recently discovered a new type of pledge being pushed right here in Hamilton and Wenham. The Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition requests that political candidates, as well as current staff such as town manager sign a pledge that the group created. Below is the request for a pledge that was sent to a candidate:

Dear M. — 

As part of our mission, the Hamilton-Wenham Human Rights Coalition works to build a more equitable society and sustainable world through the power of universal human rights.  This includes making human rights a focal issue for our local elected officials.  Part of this electoral work was the creation of a Human Rights Candidate Pledge, and we hereby invite you to add your name to the list of Elected Officials & Candidates who have already signed on.  The Pledge reads as follows:

I, ________, commit to:

  • Stand up for the fundamental values of human rights, including human dignity, freedom, democracy, and equality.
  • Promote equity so that everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential, with no one being left behind.
  • Foster strong engagement and dialogue with all local residents, to ensure that all voices are heard and considered.
  • Call for more transparent and accountable governance, so that institutions can renew trust with those whom they serve.
  • Promote an inclusive society and local economy for all by ensuring that every person, irrespective of gender, gender identity, age, race, differing ability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, immigration status, national origin, economic class, incarceration record, or family status, has equitable access to educational and economic opportunities, housing, and social services.

Please let me know if you’d like to add your name to the list of candidates and officials participating.  If you’d like to see how it all comes together online, please visit our website at to learn more.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out; my contact details are below.

With appreciation for your willingness to serve the public,


What is Going On?

This pledge created by a non-governmental, unelected group does nothing to enhance tolerance in our communities. It bullies and threatens people into feeling that if they do NOT sign they will be accused of being racist, anti GBLTQ and an anti social justice hater. This pledge is unethical and I wonder if it is even legal. Regardless, several town officials have signed it, including people who have also signed the Gordon College Discrimination policy. I make this claim simply because these individuals work at Gordon College and signing the discrimination policy is prerequisite for being hired and attending the college.

Those of us who didn’t attend the Hamilton Pride event have been viewed suspiciously and even called an acronym and demeaning slur I recently learned -TERF. This refers to to radical feminists/lesbians against Trans rights. Bullying and name-calling must stop!

Flying Pride Flags on government Property

I’m against all flag flying, pledging fidelity either verbally or signing documents.

Let’s take a look at the issue of flying a Gay Pride flag. I am not a legal scholar and I do not know about the legality of flying political flags and other symbols at town buildings. However, I agree with 2 of the Select Board members that this issue requires careful consideration and study by the board. It does not need to be rushed! I see problems with opening up Pandora’s box to allowing any type of flag whether it be Q-anon or a white supreremist flag. In other words, if the town allows a Pride flag to be flown on town property do these other groups have the same right? AND, should the town be encouraging celebratory events at a town hall that is non-ADA compliant and therefore, people in wheelchairs would be excluded?

In addition, the American flag is already flown at Town Hall alongside a Veteran’s memorial. I question the impact on these veterans of having other symbols added to this historic memorial site. Why not simply fly additional flags in a different area such as Patton Park which has ADA accessible bathrooms and parking. Why judge and villainize the select board members who want to discuss options. Discussion does not make an elected official a racist or anti GBLTQ, discussion is a component of Democracy.

Regardless of the answers, it is plain WRONG to villify people who raise these questions. Obviously, flying a flag does not solve the discrimination policy at Gordon College. Flying the Pride flag does not change the hearts and minds of bigots . However, the HW HR Coalition’s demands have created an atmosphere of hate and division in our community. Disagreement should not mean we get called bigots, racists, haters or TERFS.

Challenging Harmful Laws is more Powerful than Symbols

As chair of the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee, I do my best to follow how our elected officials vote, letting them know when I approve or disagree and then working for a different candidate when social justice is attacked. In 2018- I was very concerned about the Massachusetts”Bathroom Bill” that would have prevented people from using the bathroom of their identified gender. Brad Hill voted to discriminate against Trans people by keeping the ban. However, the caring people of Massachusetts got rid of this cruel situation by passing a ballot initiative to end it. The people have spoken, the electoral process worked to protect human rights and for this I am very proud.

So What Does this have to do with Hamilton Democrats?

Both Republican and Democratic politicians pander to the religious right to gain votes. But one party is much more extreme than the other. One party does not seem to care about democracy and the constitution. Democrats need to keep moving in the direction of tolerance, less pandering and strengthening that wall between church and state. A Mcarthyesque/witch hunt style human rights coalition does not help this cause. Requiring pledges of elected officials does not create good will. This pledge seems to be created by a faith-based non-governmental, unelected group and does nothing to enhance tolerance in our communities.

This type of Us (the coalition) vs. Them (elected officials) is wrong and needs to stop. I hope that my words demonstrate the threats to our Democracy this behavior imposes. In addition, I hope that readers will carefully analyse what is happening as we ALL work toward making a safe, more inclusive community …. including atheists and people with dissenting opinions. Otherwise, our citizens will be afraid to run for office, afraid of being bullied and forced to comply with those requiring pledges and loyalty. We all know what that leads to….




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