The above email is from School Board member Anna Siedzik’s email. She is an elected town official who claims that the United States Constitution needs to be replaced!
Many of her followers liked or loved her revolutionary values: Jamie Belsito is one of them… Just as a reminder, Belsito supports whatever housing development Anna tells her to support. Anna earned income from selling affordable housing units with no regard to the environment, traffic, density, safety or increased taxes.
Notice that Anna and her cult followers do not care about woman’s bodily autonomy. (But they care about ADOPTION RIGHTS) The faith-based political lobby called the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition refuses to include “women” and “atheists” in policy as protected classes…. Think about it……
Should a School Board member have this type of influence and power??? Anna and Jamie Belsito are fake Democrats, who don’t care about the women and Trans men who might need REPRODUCTIVE medical care. Please think about it….
Jamie Belsito, former Trump supporter and Anna Siedzik colleague do not care about women and atheists, they do not care about human rights for ALL ….. What kind of Democrat insults Hillary Clinton? A fake Democrat…..
Excerpt from above facebook link…
Huddlers, I feel compelled to share this, especially as a former candidate who made candidness and honesty on my positions a focal point of my campaign. I’ve seen some twitter posts questioning Jamie Belsito’s true party affiliation. I knew she supported Tisei for Congress but accepted her explanation as a one-off when she campaigned for (not just voted for) a Republican. But I looked into it, and after what I’ve seen from her own twitter posts – trolling Sen. Markey about where he lives (I’ve personally seen him Zooming with the Newburyport Dems from the sidewalk of his home in Malden), tweeting 5 “piles of poop” emojis about the 2016 Dems presidential debate with 3 thumbs down for Hillary, calling out Trump as best showing in GOP debates, applauding GOP candidates at all levels, asking if GOP presidential candidate Kasich was Italian for using “too much hands”, endorsing Mass GOP for federal leadership – I’m sorry but this candidate is NOT a Democrat and seems to harbor disdain for Dems. What makes it worse? In a glaring lack of transparency and apparent admission that these tweets undercut her current campaign persona, she has DELETED her personal twitter account so no one else could read these tweets. Add to that a campaign staffer retweeting a campaign post and adding #BlueLivesMatter and her deputy campaign manager Greg Poirier literally trolling a member of the Nbpt Dems for asking a tough but legitimate question about Belsito’s position on her support of Tisei and the BlueLivesMatter tweet…as a former female candidate I want to support women running for office. But I can’t support a candidate who is opportunistically using the Democratic Party for her political gain when she is NOT a Dem and who allows campaign staff to behave the way they do. It starts at the top. And I want a true Democrat who shares my values and the values of my party. Belsito is far from that. I’m OUT.