by Barbara Smith,
Social Justice Activist and Blogger
I recently decided not to renew my membership to the North Shore National Association of Colored People (NSNAACP) and want to explain why. But first a brief background on who I am…..
A Life Long Democrat and social justice activist
I am 68 years old, grew up in Queens, New York and lived in a community called Bell Park Gardens. There were no Christmas lights because nearly everybody living there was Jewish. I have no idea what it is like these days, but back then Black people did NOT live there apparently due to systemic racism and redlining.

This was also the 1960’s- with new civil rights laws enacted to end segregation and protect voting rights. I was a beneficiary of the city’s newly integrated swimming pools, skating rinks and other public spaces in a multicultural city. Swimming pools, sprinklers and fire hydrants provided relief from the intense urban heat.

Obviously, many White people resisted integration as described in Heather McGhee fascinating book – The Sum of Us– McGhee describes how many White people preferred to harm themselves rather than accept integration. For example, many public pools were shut down as wealthier White people fled to the suburbs to build their own backyard pools….
New York City is Multicultural

Although my immediate Queens neighborhood was surrounded by bagel and lox deli’s and Synagogues, I saw Black people everyday on buses, subways, museums, restaurants and while walking around Manhattan. School Integration became the law and my 5th grade principal explained with much sensitivity that we were to welcome the new Black students who arrived by bus from nearby Jamaica, Queens. I was excited to finally have relationships with these mysterious (to me) people who I was both apart from- yet living amongst…..
1960’s New York City
I believe that growing up shortly after the end of WWII hugely impacted my liberal world view. My parents made sure that I frequently heard about the Holocaust and that our planet was a dangerous place for Jews and other victimized groups. As a tween and teen I read many character forming books such as “Ann Frank’s Diary” , James Baldwin’s “Go Tell it to the Mountain” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” – the ones that are often included in banned book lists in some parts of the United States today.
While growing up, I did not take to the religious indoctrination that my parents forced on me. However, like many baby boomers with a liberal bent, I was smitten with the social justice movement that focused on human rights for women and Black people and ending the racist, senseless war in Viet Nam.

I never took the risks of Ultra-brave heroes such as Martin Luther King, John Lewis, Gloria Steinmen, Shirley Chisholm and the Woolworth soda fountain resisters, but my heart was always in the right place….In addition, The Gay rights movement was germinating and beginning to reach my consciousness, although “TERF“, a term I learned from Hamilton School Board member, Anna Siedzik (she called me one) was not, yet invented.
Becoming a Democrat
Naturally, I became a registered Democrat at age 18 and supported the candidates who I deemed most effective in implementing laws that protected people from discrimination and would end the Viet Nam War. After graduating college, I lived in Syracuse, New York where I became friends with many people of color including a biracial woman ( her father was a Black WWII vet and her mother was Japanese). She told me about growing up in Boston, where as a little girl she crouched on a school bus, hiding from the rocks being tossed by an angry mob.

During the Reagan Era, I moved to Massachusetts and learned more about Boston’s racism by reading Common Ground by Anthony Lucas. In 198I I was thrilled to see Mel King, a dynamic political figure at the time run for mayor of Boston and realized that electing people of color, women and people of other marginalized classes was the best strategy to improve social justice.
The Democratic Party is not perfect, but it has long been the only available and VIABLE alternative to the increasingly hateful Republican party. Over the 1980s and 90’s I worked on campaigns, attended Pro-Choice Rallies, heard Nelson Mandela speak on the Boston Common, attended a Black Lives Matter march through Boston and attended 2 Women’s marches (one in DC and one in NYC) to protest the election of a racist/rapist in 2016…. All this was years before ever learning about Hamilton’s self-righteous, Yale indoctrinated, Anna Siedzik and her social justice warrior bona fides that attracted gullible parents who were waking up to the impact of racism and thought that Anna and God had the solutions…. I believe that these followers originally meant well, but have caused increasing division and hate in Hamilton and Wenham.
Then Anna phoned me…..
In the spring of 2020, I noticed that the Hamilton Democratic Town Committee (HDTC) was silent and I was unable to reach the chair who had previously provided over 20 years of leadership and activism. So, I decided to bite the bullet and organize locally. Like many others isolated at home during the pandemic, I sought community….
The Hamilton Wenham Democrats Facebook page that I created caught Anna’s attention. She phoned to check me out, to see if she could control ME.…. Only Anna Siedzik can call a total stranger (me) and ramble off sentences that include words like “patriarchy”, “social construct”, “structural racism” and “gender non-binary” within 5 minutes of rapid-fire fervent lingo spewing.
On a positive note, I told Anna that it would be cool if Hamilton had a Black Lives Matter march and she made it happen. I was super impressed! The police chief even took a knee....
Organizing in Hamilton/Wenham
I didn’t attend the Hamilton-Wenham BLM event because I decided that as a senior citizen I would avoid crowds during the Covid Pandemic. It was mind boggling to see that there were soooo many liberal (I guess I should say WOKE) people living in what I assumed was a very Republican town. I had been out of touch with Hamilton demographics since my son graduated high school 15 years earlier and my family was focused on meeting his special needs. But the Gordon College and Gordon Conwell graduates, employees and students had been quite busy encouraging their Christian friends to move to Hamilton and create their Evangelical utopian vision.
Human Rights Coalition? What can go Wrong?
During this same time period (summer/fall of 2020) the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition was being formed, as was the North Shore NAACP. I was not sure WHY the the Coalition and both Hamilton and Wenham Human Rights Commissions were needed since there already existed channels to redress discrimination. However, sure, OK, can’t have too much human rights… What can go wrong???
Human Rights-but not for women and atheists
Select Board members Darcy Dale and Rosemary Kennedy were concerned that the Hamilton Human Rights Commission (supported by Hamilton tax payers) leaders wanted to include long list of vulnerable, marginalized, protected classes to policy but refused to include “women” and “atheists”. Knowing that “women” and “atheists” deserve specified class protection, the 2 Board members refused to rubber stamp Anna Siedzik’s demands. Kennedy and Dale insisted that either the document should include ALL classes in need of protection or keep policy general without naming specific classes. They voted against passing the policy in its current state because it lacked these protections. Note that Anna made sure that ex-convicts were protected, but not women and atheists…. The two women on the Select Board were skewered at the stake, called “racists” because they did not obey the Anna Siedzik mandate. They refused to yield to cult mind control.
The New Age of Zoom Meetings
The nation was traumatized during the deadly and uncertain early days of the pandemic and ongoing videotaped African American murders culminating with George Floyd’s life squelched under the heel of a White police officer. Democrats and other liberals like me jumped at the opportunity to find community and feel like we were doing SOMETHING to improve the world. Hence, the North Shore NAACP filled a social, do-good need and it was beautiful. I had and still have huge respect for the people who worked so hard to create this new chapter…… I was thrilled to blog about it! While I avoided social events due to the pandemic, I enjoyed the social zoom gatherings….. My favorite part was reading books by a new generation of social justice advocates…..
Culture, Books and more….
I grew up reading books such as The Autobiography of Malcom X and authors such as bell hooks (she chose not to capitalize her name) , Zora Neal Hurston, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker and Maya Angelou. After all , I WAS an English major! I also enjoyed reading a new generation of “anti-racist” books by Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates. …. However, I did NOT care for the widely popular, primer on racism called White Fragility because of her presumptions, stereotypes and “know it all” attitude that reminded me of religious zealotry. I read the incredibly comprehensive 1619 project and Annette Gordon Reed’s books- “On Juneteenth ” and “The Hemingses of Montecello “. These last two books brilliantly demonstrate how American history must be questioned because it typically lacks the voices and perspectives of African Americans.
Free Speech and Critical Thinking
I am a huge believer in reading a variety of texts to evaluate and determine historical truths. Free speech and critical thinking are essential to maintaining a Democracy. So it was both shocking and disturbing to be banned from the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition facebook page simply because I expressed my difference of opinion. I did not obey Anna Siedzik and hence, I was called a racist, classist, bigot and TERF.
Religion/Cults Taking Over the Social Justice Movement
John McWhorter, who is an African American professor in linguistics and author of Woke Racism, describes the “Woke Generation” as the product of the 2010 to 2020, anti-free-speech University system. He claims, “Woke” is NOT “LIKE” religion… it IS a religion.
- It is based on rigid beliefs that lack empirical experience.
- they seek a common enemy such as myself who refuses to bend to their will. I am vilified and that makes a cult stronger.
- they are obsessive in that they are right and everyone else is wrong. I guess I should use the word self-righteous.
- As in all cults or extremist religions, the followers obey or get kicked out of the flock, they have a holy leader (i.e. Anna Siedzik),
McWhorter calls these know-it-alls ‘Elects” and he writes: ” for the Elect, battling racism is to be questioned only in ways that reinforce the idea that the Elect- are correct-even at the cost of basic sense. This is superstition…..It is no accident that many of the white Elect spontaneously put their hands above their heads as an indication that they understand that they bear “white privilege.” Think of this type, asserting “oh, I know I’m privilege!”…. When Elect white people at protests started taking a knee for extended periods to indicate general wokeness after George Floy’s murder, it was a submission to Elect imperatives. Superstition is often observed through ritual gestures such as throwing salt over one’s shoulder for good luck- or postures of prayer.” McWhorter continues, “ the Elect seek to inculcate white kids with their responsibility to acknowledge their privilege from as early an age as possible; as I write this, religion is being preached in one school after another nationwide, even to children who aren’t even reading chapter books yet. In other words, the Elect are founding the equivalent of Sunday school-except that, because they have penetrated actual schools, they get to preach at our children five days a week.”
I believe that being aware or “Woke” is a good thing, but not when the message turns into a self-righteous, religious movement.
The Social Justice Movement and Their Religious Allies
I have been a life long atheist as well as social justice activist and I do NOT accept that religion is an integral part of social justice work.
When I read the Rev. William Barber’s book about his Moral Mondays progressivism, I held huge respect until he declared that atheists have NO MORALITY. So when, North Shore NAACP leaders discussed bringing clergy in as allies, I knew that it was time for me to leave….. and I did leave with continued respect for the chapter’s work, especially concerning the racists incidents in Danvers. I even blogged about this issue….
As an Anna dissenter, I became the Enemy….
So, yes, I quit the NSNAACP for personal reasons. Although the NAACP is non-partisan and not a religious, organization themselves, I personally chose not to participate in an organization that associates religious people with being good, moral and therefore, likely, social justice activists because there is that implication that people who are not religious cannot be moral. I’ve had this said to my atheist face many times and that is why I bored you with my personal social justice history. I will not tolerate anyone calling me a “racist” unless they provide an example other than not obeying Anna’s rules. Many wonderful NAACP members are religious and I respect that and I am only explaining why I ended my involvement. It is really very simple and not at all disrespectful to religious people (many of whom I have as friends).
However, it is not OK for the chapter to link up with Anna Siedzik and HER , anti-human rights, faith based, 501 (c) (4) political lobby called the Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition. This relationship is unacceptable, unethical and is harmful to the greater cause of political social justice activism that actually impacts the lives of people of color and other marginalized groups. Many members of the HWHRC are also members of the NSNAACP. Some members of both these organizations are married to one another or were former roommates when attending Gordon College. Many of them live near one another in downtown Hamilton and as School Board member, Anna Siedzik has a readily available platform to spread lies and bully any voice of dissent. She has a political agenda that earns her income. This is classic “conflict of interest” and it can be corrected by resigning from either the School Board or her job promoting development.
Leaving the Hamilton DTC
I quit as chair of the Hamilton DTC because I refused to support the Coalition pledging, former Republican and Trump supporter Jamie Belsito for state representative last fall when Brad Hill suddenly resigned. I stated my preference for Darcy Dale, a lifelong Democrat, activist and Select Board member who supported (along with Rosemary Kennedy) including women and atheists as protected classes in Hamilton human rights policy. Hence, I was banned from the HWHRC facebook page and the Hamilton/Wenham Resident’s Only and Community facebook pages administered by HWHRC followers.
Hamilton is now under Christian Control
I have nothing against Christians nor any religion. I just don’t want my Constitutional right to separation of church and state destroyed. Anna Siedzik has expressed her disgust with our United States Constitution.
Anna has installed all of her pro Christian flag flying cult followers on the Select Board by lying about her opponents and bullying anyone in her path including the Hamilton Town Manager who has a much easier job now by simply doing whatever Anna mandates.
Anna Siedzik and Conflict of Interest
As I mentioned, Anna works for Harborlight Community Partners (another faith-based, 501 (c) (4).) She makes money when Affordable and/or Unaffordable housing development is sold in communities. Providing affordable housing is admirable, but there is a difference between creating state or federal policies that redress Redlining and past and current economic disparities and demanding that a community do as told by people earning money from development. Lack of affordable housing is not simply a racist, bigoted, classist issue as Anna claims. It is a complex governmental issue that requires big brains that understand environmental fragility, complex social needs (such as sidewalks and public transit when building affordable housing on rural roads), the water shortage crisis and Yes, the impact on tax payers who currently live in these communities and should have a voice in development without being called a racist, classist bigot when speaking up…. The video in the following blog demonstrates how Anna Siedzik wants total control of development in Hamilton.
The North Shore NAACP
I am proud to be a founding member of the north shore chapter of the NAACP. They have done some great work and I’m sure that they will continue to do so. I chose to disengage with this chapter when I saw religious institutions increasing involvement and my choice is perfectly OK. However, it is not OK for the chapter to get involved in controversial, hyperlocal, political activity by supporting the Coalition and the candidates that they endorse. This creates an unnecessary and destructive divide because someone like me should be considered a natural ally to social justice activism. Over the past year, I became the enemy and as I mention above ….. cults love a common enemy.
What Now?
I am looking to relocate to the Lowell area, to live in a community with diversity and hopefully not under control of a faith based, self-righteous group of hypocrites. Some of these Coalition followers have actually signed the anti LGBTQI pledge in order to work at, attend or volunteer at Gordon College or Gordon Conwell Seminary. I plan on joining the Merrimack chapter of the NAACP after relocating.
- I encourage anyone reading this to get politically active, support Democrats, ALL Democrats because they are the only viable alternative to the Republican party of Trumpian racism. Avoid voting for third party candidates such as Jill Stein, because that helps Republicans to get into power.
- Try to elect real Democrats- Not former Trump Supporters like Jamie Belsito (strongly endorsed by Anna and the Coalition). I read about Belsito’s values when she was running for Congress.
- Tell your friends to resist cult behavior, be an independent thinker demand an end to bans on the Hamilton Wenham Resident’s and Community Face Book pages controlled by Anna Siedzik approved administrators. Anyone not following the party and religious line are being silenced from one of the only remaining Hamilton Wenham news/communication sources.
- Tell the NSNAACP president that working for social justice is fantastic, but its unethical to align with people involved in a faith-based, political lobby such as the HWHRC. It is a conflict of interest to advertise on the NSNAACP face book page on Siedzik’s political behalf as she serves the pledging members of the Coalition rather than the Hamilton/Wenham voters who elected her to the School Board to serve Hamilton and Wenham School’s best interest. Below is a screenshot of the NSNAACP FACEBOOK PAGE, promoting a political figure, Anna Siedzik who bullies and attacks anyone who does not follow her party line….

- Please respect our Democracy, our Constitution, free speech and separation of church and state because the United States is moving away from these values and its not good news for any of us. Join the American Civil Liberties Union and other Pro Democracy organizations.
- Elect Hamilton/Wenham officials that have proven their free-speech/Democracy values. Stop town officials who want to destroy the United States Constitution.

Read and/or listen to books, blogs, podcasts, videos about the growing threat against free speech, bodily autonomy, the Constitution and religious zealots taking over town governments and calling any voice of resistance “racists”, “bigots”, classists” and TERFs. I do NOT agree with every statement in the following videos but they create a picture of the growing anti-Democracy crisis in America.